Thursday, December 3, 2009

Finals Approaching

Here we are, the end of my first semester at college. To be honest, I'm not worried about finals - no cramming required. Two of my four exams will be like regular tests, just with the word final at the top, one other is cumulative, and another is a presentation. I feel that the past week or so I have had very little to do work-wise, yet there has been more going on than any other time of year. I'll be glad when things settle down. Once I'm home, I can focus on more music-oriented goals. Plus, it'll be Christmas! I've been trying to feel the time of year with some music, but I don't have anything more than a James Taylor and a Sarah McLachlan singing a couple of holiday melodies, which is always a winning scenario.

I don't have a lot to say today. I find myself very disappointed with a test grade I got back today. Granted, it was an 84, but I know I can do better, and I thought I did do better. I should probably study a little more. I knew the material, though I guess I could have used a little more prep beforehand. It's good that I realize this now before, and not after finals. Part of me feels like I should be smarter. An 84 on a test seems exceptionally low for me. I don't know if that's because of the high school I came from or what. Even my other classes here are at least an A. I just want to excel.

This wasn't a very exciting post. That said, I need more followers! If you happen to be reading this and aren't a member of blogspot, you should join. Hey, you never know, you may start blogging as well. Some days you'll have true insight, others you won't (as was my case today).

I'm also still trying to come up with a general theme for this blog. It seems to be nothing above the ordinary so far, but maybe I can detail enough to keep it interesting.

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